“It kind of makes you think” he said to her with a certain heaviness in his voice.
She knew what he meant but lightened the mood by letting out a short breathy laugh “yes it does”.
They both laughed in tandem, and didn't discuss it any further.
It had been like this for months. They had all the love that lovers should without the commitment. Best friends they called one another, and they were. Spending hours in the company of each other. No two people could have been closer, but they were too independent. Not even the great deal of love shared between them was enough to make them give up their separate ways. Yes, they knew that there were things they could get from one another that they could not get from others, and they weren't looking for others. They seemed to have the potential to be endless, but did they have forever? In the way that some people do? Would they ever?
"It is good to be single, isn't it?" He said with a smile in his voice.
She knew what he meant and without a hint of laughter she said "yes it is".
They didn't laugh, but just like before they didn't discuss it any further. She sighed, but she does that from time to time.
Sometimes there is a greater purpose for two people. Could it be the case with the two of them? Did they need something? Something like a correction of paths, resulting from the convergence of two minds. Could it be healing, or companionship, an escape, or something more? One detail worth knowing is that neither of them are alone anymore. Is that a problem? Some believe it is. What they share is something most can not understand. It is an affair, and a love story, but unconventional and ruled by reason. Someday maybe it will be something more, but it doesn't seem even slightly deficient in the moment.
It is the little things. Details are important. Today is a detail, filled with little things, and in a sense today is the only thing that is important. The only details worth knowing are the ones that directly effect us in the moment. With no sense of greater purpose or vision for the future she said to herself, to him and to everyone "we will see".