February 1, 2009

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe....or in the middle of Saskatchewan.

There is something about it here, that is idyllic and peaceful. I guess 200 people spread out over vast stretches of land is a recipe for relaxation. I am in the town, just turn down 2nd street and you will find me there, hiding away alone with my spoiled farm cat in a two bedroom home. A little red house with white trim, hold the picket fence. We ain't prissy around these parts.

Can you hear it? I can, that is the wind, and it never stops. There is nothing to stop it. No mountains to block it, no trees to cut into it, it just sweeps across the plains without resistance. A friend of mine said to me recently that there is a significant difference between seeing the world and feeling it. I can still see the world, but I notice that here I feel it. As I take the time to walk back and forth between the restaurant and my new home the wind is a constant reminder of where I am. "You haven't been here before have you?" it whispers forcefully in my ear. "Taste me, notice me, take me in" it persists. The wind is a forceful friend, but rest assured it is a friend. You can spend the night tossing and turning, wake up exhausted, but the moment you step out into the street the wind will wake you up.

Living is standard here, there is wealth around this area, beyond what one would expect. Do you see it in the cars they drive? The clothes they wear? No, not at all. Who do they need to impress? The cattle? The shafts of wheat? No, they do not need to impress anyone or anything. The community is small and the people seem oddly happy, but do not mistake that for a lack of worries. Today we celebrated the coming of February, I had to ask why, but apparently around here it is worth recognizing because the businesses have survived the end of another month, a small landmark, but not a small feat considering today's economy. The people here are not isolated from the rest of the world, impact is felt, but we are nestled here in the middle. Close enough to be concerned, but far enough away to avoid distraction. Focus, and clarity. That is what I need, that is what people have here, and that is what I will find here.

1 comment:

Symon said...

you would find focus and clarity anywhere you went ... in fact, maybe you've brought it with you ^_^

regardless, you have forged out and found yourself a new niche in the world, and that is as it should be.

and for those of us who miss you here in Beautiful BC - well it's comforting to know that the wind who is your friend there. whipping across the plains unbounded, is the same wind whispering through the trees here :)