February 26, 2009

Daydreams and Doilies

I went for a walk today, and when I wasn't choking on exhaust it was pretty nice. It is nice and cool out thanks to the snow on the ground and the just below freezing temperatures. I have been dealing with a sinus infection since I have been back in British Columbia, and today I had a particularly nasty sinus headache. I figured some fresh air and a little exercise would be helpful, and I was right.

I live just down the street from a thrift store affiliated with the Mennonite church. It is actually a great thrift store, it is filled with stuff that you would see at people's grandparents houses. Admittedly I love that type of stuff. If it is old and if most people would consider it tacky I am probably going to take it home with me. Well not really, but I would at least think about it.

The one thing I almost bought was a little box with Peruvian Worry Dolls in it. I love those things, but then I had a thought...should one buy previously owned worry dolls? Does that mean they won't be free to cater to my worries? So I set them back down, but I wanted them. I have a weak spot for Peruvian Worry Dolls and I have since I was a child. Don't ask why. I wouldn't be able to tell you why, because I have no idea.

I am probably going back to that thrift store again tomorrow because there was a lamp there that I need to buy. I only sort of need it, but I definitely want it. It will go really well with the lamp I bought there the other day, and it is only $10 so why not? What I really need is a bookshelf and a dresser. I really don't want to give in and start hanging my clothing on hangers, but it seems that I am going to need to do that. I would much rather fold them and put them in drawers, but I only have four little ones.

I like thrift stores right now. After years of shunning them I have returned. Why? I am fascinated by things that old people have owned. I guess it is because in many ways I am fascinated by old people. I know it is odd to say, but I look forward to getting old. Imagine all the cool stuff I will have...


Symon said...

you are so cute :) i can just imagine you tottering around in a house CRAMMED full of stuff, and your children and grandchildren BEGGING you to have a yard sale - lol.

I say, get the Peruvian worry dolls. We can cleanse them, the way you cleanse rocks (i'll tell you how later) Basically, it sucks all the absorbed energies out of the item, and leaves it free and clear for your own :)

Shuttered Dimensions said...

Children? Grandchildren? I planned on starting my collection now, so there won't be any room for offspring of any kind. So that problem is solved

I don't want you doing your Wicker Voodoo on my worry dolls. That is the kind of thing that would make them worry.

Symon said...

i love it, this is a good idea *makes note to steal idea*

i don't do wicker voodoo, i do regular voodoo, and it works, so watch out! LOL.