February 8, 2009


As I was heading down my drive way this afternoon I was suddenly compelled to make a right turn instead of my usual left turn. What is the difference? The left turn, followed by a right turn takes me down the road to the diner. A right turn followed by another right turn takes me towards town. I thought it would be about a ten minute walk to town but as I turned the corner I was surprised to see that town is actually only a block up the road. So I walked towards it and altogether it is maybe a five minute walk. The closer I got the more I noticed a marked lack of activity. No this isn't a busy town, but I thought at least someone might be out and about. No. No one. I thought about this for a minute and realized that it was Sunday, and by glancing around it was made very obvious to me that all the businesses in town, civic or otherwise are closed on Sunday.

It would have been a waste of a trip, but the door to the P.O. Box office was open so I was able to check my mail. That was my main purpose for heading towards town so I consider my efforts a success. I took the two grocery flyers in my P.O. Box out and immediately recy....no i didn't because there was only a garbage nearby. I took note of this so that next time I have the opportunity to chat with Renee the Canada Post worker I can mention it to her. That is what you do in a small town I believe. Take note, make requests, and expect improvements. At least I hope. If that is not the expectation I am going to simply be a pain and do that anyhow.

I slowly walked through town, and it was oddly intimate with no one else around. Like I was able to really see it without it being able to see me back. The thought "ghost town" kept running through my mind. The buildings are all white and the paint is old and flaky. With the exception of the post office and the bank which are more modern in appearance. I didn't worry about crosswalks, I sort of leisurely crossed the street wherever I wanted to. No one was around to take issue with it. The businesses in town are all what I would consider essential. City Hall, post office, bank, grocery (very small), insurance, hair dresser, and a hotel. I wondered briefly if I will ever go to that hairdresser. I could use a trim so maybe I will. The only two businesses that could be considered recreational are the billiards hall and the bar. Neither of which will I ever set foot in. There were a few empty buildings. I had a fleeting thought about opening my own business, but I couldn't imagine what the people would want or need. Maybe once I have been here a while I will know. One of the empty buildings used to be a garden centre. I peered through break in the tall white fence and saw a shed with a few stray boards sitting around. I am not sure if this is a seasonal business, but it seems quite deserted to me. One thing I can say for sure is that this town could use to be slathered in a nice coat of colourful paint. White on white, on white is not a recipe for excitement.

I think I will return next Sunday to soak it all in again, I liked the solitude. I loved it and how it made me feel. For a few minutes I was the only person left living in a post-apocalyptic world.


Symon said...

i remember the first time i experienced that small town Sunday phenomenon - it was in Osoyoos several years ago, around Christmastime - it was weird - we experienced the true meaning of 'window shopping' cause that was the only option ^_^

I've often thought it's too bad that shops aren't closed on Sundays anymore - people need a rest.

Race said...

I live in a small town, and I know exactly how this feels. But while I enjoy walking around experiencing the solitude, I also sort of feel that people are peeking out their windows at me (if there are homes in the town... or maybe out the church windows).

Shuttered Dimensions said...

There aren't any homes right on the main street, so it was quite a private moment. However I do know exactly what you mean. If there is something to be known in a small town people will know it...no secrets allowed. Except there is a lot of whispering that goes on.

Race said...

Haha. Good point.